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Angels of Mercy & Deaconess

As chosen vessels by God and our Pastor it will be the mission of this Angels of Mercy Ministry to enhance the spiritual matters of the church, and to help foster peace, love and Christian unity in the membership by witnessing and deportment. Showing passionate concern for all people, we must reach out for those hurting and serve as God’s angels of mercy. We should be Christ-like at all times in our mannerism, deportment and in our compassion for others displaying mercy and kindness. Consecrate and dedicate ourselves to spiritual kingdom building, and allowing our Christian loveliness to emanate from the inside as we lead others to Christ.

Culinary & Hospitality

We are proudly responsible for the feeding of God’s people for annual fellowship dinners, other church supported activities and special occasions.

Transportation & Security

Helps all that need help getting to and from church. Our mission is to get as many souls as we can into the house safe and secure.

Men’s Ministry

Our mission is to equip men with the resources to develop Godly character, encourage an intimate relationship with God, become leaders and outside the church and spread the gospel to others.Our mission is to equip men with the resources to develop Godly character, encourage an intimate relationship with God, become leaders and outside the church and spread the gospel to others.

Spiritual Arts

Through the expression of various art forms, it is our prayer that we will touch the souls and spirits of others.

Encouragement Team

We provide encouragement to the sick and shut-in, acknowledge birthdays, provide encouraging words, give hugs, life spirits and give a helping hand in any way possible.


The biblical role of deacons within the church is to take care of the physical and logistical needs of the church so our pastor and lead as God has called him to do.


The New Fellowship Baptist Church ushers are a significant part of our church hospitality system and fulfill specific duties to accomplish that role. Together with our church greeters, our ushers help the church members and visitors have a wonderful church experience

Health and Wellness

The Health and Wellness Ministry educates our church family on diet, diseases, prevention and all aspects of a healthy lifestyle. The goal is to help everyone take care of their bodies so they can be of maximum service to the Lord.

Media Ministry

 Media ministry works behind the scenes to make it possible to share the message of the church through amplified sound, recordings, PowerPoint presentations, Web pages and other forms of communication.

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